Sunday, June 30, 2019

Grass fed beef

Finding grass fed beef online is not hard after you read this article.

Many people search for where to buy grass-fed beef online and having a hard time finding the answer. We have to realize that there is a difference between grass-fed beef and grass finished beef.

Every cow basically eats grass for the most part of its life.  The grass finished cows keep eating their whole life. Other cows are moved to a so-called feeding lot where they are fed with corn and grain.

Reason for this is to make them gain as much weight as possible before bringing them to the market for slaughter. I can understand the cattle farmers for doing this and I am not saying that this is all unhealthy. it is, however, a fact that much of the corn is grown with GMO seeds and sprayed with all kind of chemicals to keep the bugs away.

I prefer to eat healthy meat and that is in my opinion grass fed and finished beef. I am not a health freak but like to eat as healthy as possible and stay in good shape. Eating healthy food and that includes beef I buy online.

if you have an opinion about eating grass fed beef feel free to leave it in the comments or contact me.

more information here

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